Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Cities : Boon or (not in all ways ) but curse


A place where people live. a place where buisnesses grows. a place where people are easily connected to each other.they all make cities. but nowadays they are expanding at their maximum speed, by destroyning wood or by cutting mountains . the city expansionis the most viewed topic in the modern world.


Cities are relaible for easy living, working conditions. they are an hotspot for search for jobs finding a new home or growing your buisness. it is like a food hub which allows you to eat as many amenities you want.

People living in the city dose not have to take efforts for daily life essential like water, milk, groceries etc. they are available at any nearby shop or supermarket. people living in city live a busy life. they dose not have any hard work but they have less time to do anything free like sleep all day, play video games all day. cities provide them jobs like call centre, accountants, waiter, delivery person etc.

every coin has 2 faces right?, one good one bad


Cities are reliable but also harmful. as i wrote in my first blog that mass expansion is making evergreen forests into a concrete jungle. Cities mass expansion makes the environment unstable

as the people needs employement, industries always be their helping hand but this helping hands is the worst thing in cities. the pollute air by leaving harmful gases they pollute water by leaving harmful chemicals in rivers. they pollute land by inserting their solid waste into the soil. everyone tells this write . but you think its boring but if you will prevent this boring thing your future will be secured. as young brains of our world have so much interesting ideas to save mother earth. weel coming to Cities it is also a hotspot for pollution cars polluting the air honking polluting the noise and so much. 

well, live a comfortable life but make it comfortable for earth too.

so, think about nature till that, bye

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Cities: The growing

Rudra M Thakar 6B
A place where people live. a place where buisnesses grows. a place where people are easily connected to each other. they all make cities. but nowadays they are expanding at their maximum speed. by destroying the woods or by cutting the hills. the city expansion is thye most dangerous topic in modern world as we are expanding into other animal's habitat today i will aware you of some greatest expansions of cities.

1.Delhi, India 

no one can imagine that a place which was under rule for 150 years can be a part of fastest growing cities. yes, delhi is the fastest growing city in the world.till 2010, Noida, Ghaziabad and bahadurgarh was outside the delhi's main city but as the years passed, Delhi covered all of the parts of its 3 neighbouring cities

2. Shanghai, China

Ya, china is the fastest growing country how could we end this blog without having city from china.
further East, we move to Shanghai, China’s most populated city. Notice how Shanghai outgrows its boundaries and merges with other nearby cities to form a megacity of nearly 25 million people.

3. Sumarta, Indonesia

Not one of the fastest growing cities but it is losing its evergreeness for crops. palm oil trees is grown very much in sumarta .it is used in making cosmetics, medicines . people of sumarta are cutting every 1 football stadium sized jungle every 25 minutes just for growing palm trees.not only trees but animals like chimpanzees and sumartian elephant are also very close to be exctint

but we can stop this. 

thank you